General Definition of 愛嬌 (aikyou)
愛嬌 (あいきょう, aikyou) is a standard Japanese word that means “charm”, “loveliness” or “cuteness”. It is usually used as “愛嬌がある” or “愛嬌のある” meaning “(someone is) charming/lovely”. For instance, “愛嬌がある女の子” means “a charming/lovely girl” and “愛嬌のある笑顔” means “a charming/lovely smile”.
Idiomatic Expression: ご愛嬌 (go-aikyou)
When the polite prefix “ご” is attached before 愛嬌, it has a different meaning: “a charming mistake/flaw”, i.e. “a forgivable and insignificant mistake/flaw”. It is usually used as an idiomatic expression, “ご愛嬌ということで” meaning “Please think of something as a charming mistake”. People often use this expression when they mention their insignificant flaws or mistakes in a humble way, e.g. “たまに写真が少しぼやけているのは、ご愛嬌ということで” means “Sometimes, the pictures are a little blurry. Please think of these as charming mistakes.”
Sometimes, people also say this phrase to calm someone who is a little annoyed by naughty children. In this case, the phrase means “Please forgive their behaviour and think of them as charming”.
Example Sentences
Your wife is very charming
There are some typos in the article. Please think of them as a charming mistake.
A: あのガキうるせえな
B: まあまあ、ご愛嬌ということで
A: That brat is so noisy.
B: Hey don’t say it! Just forgive their naughty behaviour and think of them as charming.
(note) ガキ is a derogatory term for kids.
Synonyms: 可愛らしさ (cuteness)
Synonyms in English: charm, loveliness
Related words and phrases: ご愛嬌ということで (please think of something as a charming mistake/flaw)
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