This page shares the presentation slides that I made and used myself to teach Japanese to complete beginners. You may use the slides to start learning Japanese with zero knowledge, or to review basic grammar rules that you studied ages ago and forgot. You are also welcome to use those slides to teach Japanese to someone, so long as you cite and mention this website. (All rights reserved).
(If you’re keen to learn interesting Japanese idioms/slang in slides, see this page.)
Click the titles below to browse the slides. Each section should roughly correspond to a 30-60 min class. (The slides for 10 classes are to be uploaded)
(Best viewed on a tablet/PC, but viewable on a mobile phone as well)
Table of Contents
- Japanese and English: How Different
- Japanese Characters
- Japanese Grammar
Introduce Yourself in Japanese
- “I am, She/He is …” in Japanese
- Ask a question
- Japanese Honorifics
- は (wa) particle
- の (no) particle
“This/That/It/Which” and “Mine/Yours/His/Hers” in Japanese
- This/That/It/Which in Japanese
Mine/Yours/His/Hers in Japanese
- が (ga) particle
- Two types of adjectives: い-adjective and な-adjective
- “Noun is Adjective” Sentence (e.g. “She is cute” in Japanese)
- “Adjective + Noun” (e.g. “a kind person” in Japanese)
Negation in Japanese
- “Be Not Noun” (e.g. “I am not a student” in Japanese)
- “Be Not Adjective”(e.g. “He is not kind” in Japanese)
- three types of verbs: Ru-verb, U-verb, and Irregular verb
- Masu-Form
- Direct Object Marker: を
- Time-Marking Particle: に
- direction particles: に and へ
“There is something/someone” in Japanese
- verbs meaning “be/exist”: いる (iru) and ある (aru)
- Location Particle に (ni)
- ここ/そこ/あそこ/どこ