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Definition of Kenja Time
In fact, every single man, except for apathetic “empty” persons, has a habitual behaviour in common. This individual activity plays a pivotal role in his life, as it can instantly perk him up and reduce his frustration. Unfortunately, however, its benefit lasts only for a short period of time — when the act reaches a crescendo and an ecstatic moment comes, the player experiences a sharp decline in his excitement and feels extremely calm and lethargic. In Japanese, this moment is called “賢者タイム (kenja time)”.
賢者タイム (kenja time), also known as 賢者モード (kenja mode) literally means “sage time” or “sage mode”. During this time/mode, a man feels as if he had become 賢者 (“a sage”), a person of wisdom who is free from any worldly pleasures. He wonders why he was so crazy about the play, and accuses himself of wasting time on such miserable and pathetic behaviour. Some swear they won’t do that again, but alas, those transient sages go back to ordinary men in a couple of hours.
In fact, men experience a similar feeling after conducting the analogous pair activity, and therefore some men become quite mean to the other player after the act is over. However, the feeling is generally much more intense when they finish wanking.
Since kenjataimu is basically regarded as an internet slang term, it is not a great idea to talk about it in real life, especially with ladies. Also, since this word predominantly refers to the male phenomenon, some Japanese women do not know this word or understand its concept.
Example Sentences
男 (興奮中): おおおおこれマジすげえええ!!やべえええ!!!
男 (賢者モード): はぁ、マジでクソ時間の無駄だったな
A man (during excitement): Wow this is so awesome!! Amazing!!
*10 minutes later*
A man (sage mode): *sigh* Well, it was a f*cking waste of time.
If it were not for sage time in the world, men would never cease to be excited, so thank God it exists.
- In English: post nut clarity; refractory period; postcoital dysphoria/tristesse
- In Korean: 현자타임 (or shortly 현타)
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