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猫の手も借りたい (ねこのてもかりたい) is a famous Japanese idiom that literally means ‘I would want to borrow even a hand (paw) of a cat’. Figuratively, it means ‘extremely busy’ — so busy that you’re grasping at cat’s paw, which is totally useless.
Related Word: 借りてきた猫
借りてきた猫(かりてきたねこ)is another advanced Japanese idiom that literally means ‘a borrowed cat’. Figuratively, it illustrate when someone becomes shy and reticent because they are feeling nerves or overwhelmed in a new environment. This idiom invokes the image of a vigilant cat placed in an unfamiliar environment.
Example Sentences
(1) 猫の手も借りたいほど人手不足(ひとでぶそく)だ
We are short-handed as if we’d want to borrow even cat’s paw
(2) 猫の手も借りたい状況(じょうきょう)だ
This is a situation where I’m so busy that I’d want to borrow even cat’s paw
(3) 彼女(かのじょ)は人見知り(ひとみしり)なのか、しばらく借りてきた猫のように静(しず)かだった。
She had been quite like a borrowed cat for a while, and that’s probably because she is 人見知り (not good at talking with someone not close).
Check the meaning of 人見知り and its related word コミュ障 here
Related Expressions to 猫 (ねこ; cat)
猫も杓子も: Japanese Idiom ‘Cats and Rice Spatulas’
猫をかぶる: Japanese Idiom ‘Wear a Cat’
Synonyms: 多忙 (たぼう) very busy
Synonyms in English: extremely busy
Related Words: 猫 (ねこ) cat, 手(て) hand, 借(か)りる borrow, rent
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