Meaning of なんでやねん (nandeyanen) and detailed examples of how to use nandeyanen in a Japanese conversation: An essential phrases in OsakaRead More
Essential Grammar in Kansai Dialect (関西弁, Kansai ben)
This article explains basic grammar rules in the Kansai dialect (関西弁, Kansai-ben), including the usages and meanings of "やん", "はる", "さかい" and "ちゃう".Read More
9 Essential Kansai Dialect (Kansai-ben) Words and Phrases
This article explains unique Kansai-dialect words and idioms, e.g. あかん (akan), ホンマ (honma), ちゃう (chau), with example sentences.Read More
遠慮の塊 (Enryo no katamari): “Hesitation Lump” in Kansai-ben Slang
遠慮の塊 (えんりょ の かたまり, enryo no katamari) is a slang word in the Kansai dialect that means "a last piece of food on a plate shared by multiple people"Read More