In Japanese, there are many casual words that contain the kanji character ‘活’ (katsu). This character is short for ‘活動’ (katsudou) meaning ‘activity’, and the words including ‘活’ describe a variety of unique activities. This article introduces such unique words with their meanings and what ‘activities’ they describe. Read More
オワコン (Owakon) Meaning ‘Old-Fashioned’ in Japanese Slang
オワコン (owakon) means “no longer interesting/popular/relevant”, “outdated”. It combines two words 終わった(owatta): “finished” and コンテンツ (kontentsu): “contents"Read More
女たらし (onna tarashi) Meaning ‘Lady’s Man’ in Japanese
Basic ○ ○ ○ ● ○Advanced
Standard ○ ○ ● ○ ○Slang
Formal ○ ○ ○ ● ○Informal
女たらし indicates a lady’s man who is fickle and loves being surrounded by women. Whether or not he is in a relationship, he enjoys hanging out with girls simply because ….Read More