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オワコン (owakon) indicates something/someone that used to be very popular but now nobody gives a sh*t about. For instance, those comedians are called owakon who were once popular but now nobody thinks funny anymore. Another example is video games that became big hits in the past but now nobody plays. This word is usually used on the internet, but some young people use it in real life.
Word Structure
オワコン (owakon) is an abbreviation of “終わったコンテンツ” (owatta kontentsu), which consists of the two words “終わった” (owatta) and “コンテンツ” (kontentsu). The first word is the past form of “終わる” (owaru), and generally means “finished/over”. However, as in this expression, 終わった (owatta) is sometimes used to indicate things or people that were once popular but recently have lost their popularity. The second word “コンテンツ” (kontentsu) is loaned from “content” in English, but is used more broadly in Japanese to describe items, service, or information provided by someone/something. Although kontentsu is usually not used for people, owakon can describe anything as shown in Example Sentence 1, 2, and 3 below.
Example Sentences
I think nobody plays “Pokémon GO” these days and it’s owakon (not popular anymore).
That comedian is so boring these days. He’s completely owakon (out of date; sh*tty).
When I said ‘Arashi is owakon (not popular anymore)’, my friend, who is a fanatic of Arashi, got furious.
嵐 (Arashi) is one of the most popular male idol groups in Japan.
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