明後日の方向 (asatte no houkou)

Yomi あさってのほうこう Rōmaji asatte no houkou Type idiom Literal Meaning the direction to the day after tomorrow Meaning to a completely wrong/unexpected direction; far off the point; off the mark/base Synonym 予想の斜め上 Antonym 真っ直ぐ Additional Info Usage It metaphorically indicates in an ironic/sarcastic tone that something goes in a completely wrong and unpredictable direction. For instance, an uncoordinated person often throws a ball towards 明後日の方向 (an unpredictable direction). It is also used to indicate that something/someone goes far off the point, e.g. “明後日の方向に組織改革をした” (They did their organisational reform in 明後日の方向), meaning “Their organisational reform was far off the mark”. Difference between 予想の斜め上を行く and 明後日の方向 予想の斜め上を行く is used for something both … Continue reading 明後日の方向 (asatte no houkou)Read More